Residential Window Cleaning Service
Make your windows shine with our residential window cleaning service. Our experienced and dedicated team ensures streak-free, sparkling windows inside and out, including screens and skylights. Treat yourself to a clear view and a brighter home, perfect for any occasion at your place.
What’s included as apart of the window cleaning service:
Detailed cleaning of glass
Wipe down of frames and sills
Fly screens cleaned
Deep cleaning of window tracks (optional)
Why choose us?
Trust Brighter! Window Washing to do the job well. We are known for punctuality, attention to detail, and consistently delivering quality. We have several years of window cleaning experience yet are flexible enough to provide a personalised service. We are friendly and professional, meaning we are a pleasure to do business with.
How do professionals clean windows?
There are many ways to clean windows. You may have considered using a microfibre cloth, Windex, or newspaper, or come across some peculiar device online promising great results at a suspiciously low price. In the professional window cleaning world, two common ways exist to achieve great results efficiently: the traditional window cleaning method and using a water-fed pole.
The traditional method uses a mop and squeegee and is a tried and tested approach still favoured by many window cleaners today. The mop, water, and soap agitate the dirt and the rubber blade on the squeegee swipes it all away leaving a clean and clear surface. Have you ever wondered what solution is used in the bucket? The answer is almost always: Morning Fresh. Window cleaners Australia-wide swear by this radioactive-green liquid, and consider yourself lucky to be let in on our secret.
The other method uses a water-fed pole (external use only). This device has the main advantage of being operable from the ground. Using the traditional method, one needs ladders or platforms to reach windows up high, which can be unsafe. The water-fed pole agitates the dirt with a brush and washes it away using pure, filtered water that doesn’t leave any marks when dry. It can be safer, more efficient and can achieve the same great results.